Mörrums Kronlaxfiske

Mörrums Kronolaxfiske

Mörrums Kronlaxfiske

The salmon and sea trout fishing in River Mörrum has long been among Sweden’s most famous and most sought-after. River Mörrum and Mörrum’s Royal salmon fishing are well-known to sport fishermen throughout Europe.

This river is also the country’s most important spawning area for the Baltic salmon, a resource which Mörrum's Royal salmon fishing has been managing with care for many years. Lately, sustainable sport fishing of natural salmon stock has also been made possible by a forward-looking fish-conservation policy.

Salmon fishing in the River Mörrum is an ancient tradition and was first described as far back as 1231.

Sport fishing takes place from the end of March until the end of September.

Long ago, fishing-spears were used to catch salmon in the River Mörrum. Later, tackle such as salmon vats, bag nets, seine and salmon nets were added. This equipment was in use right up to the 1960s.

Nowadays all commercial salmon fishing in the river has been shut down, but the old fishing-spots can still be viewed. On certain days during the summer and in connection with the autumn fishing for breeding salmon for fish farms, bag-nets are used in an old-fashioned way. All other salmon and sea trout fishing is carried out today as sport-fishing.



About the company

Mörrums Kronolaxfiske
Box 26
375 21 MÖRRUM
+46 (0)454 - 501 23